Kris holds a special place in my heart because she was my first foster. She was taken in as a stray with her four tiny puppies. With a 72 hour stray hold looming over her head, "White pit mix" did what she could on a cold, hard concrete floor to care for her babies. Although just a pup herself, she knew that their future was bleak. She tried not to panic when workers came around, but everything was just so loud and scary and she could only cuddle her puppies and close her eyes...
One worker, who probably doesn't even know it, saved four small babies and a mama pup that day because she took the time to take a picture and post it on the "Please rescue these dogs before they are killed" databases that get shot around FaceBook at supersonic speed everyday. Someone from Carolina Care Bullies saw the picture, fell in love with them and did some mass networking amongst one other, pulling all 5 of them that day from the shelter. Still without names, CCB likes to dub litters with a theme, i.e. the 7 Dwarves, 101 Dalmatians, etc. This litter was no different, and quickly became the Kardashians. Mama Kris, Kendall, Kylie, Khloe and Kimmy had been rescued.
One worker, who probably doesn't even know it, saved four small babies and a mama pup that day because she took the time to take a picture and post it on the "Please rescue these dogs before they are killed" databases that get shot around FaceBook at supersonic speed everyday. Someone from Carolina Care Bullies saw the picture, fell in love with them and did some mass networking amongst one other, pulling all 5 of them that day from the shelter. Still without names, CCB likes to dub litters with a theme, i.e. the 7 Dwarves, 101 Dalmatians, etc. This litter was no different, and quickly became the Kardashians. Mama Kris, Kendall, Kylie, Khloe and Kimmy had been rescued.
Without the help of that one worker, everyone at Carolina Care Bullies who networked in order to get a temporary foster home, transport from the shelter, then on to get spays, medications, then to separate them and get individual foster homes, these little lives would have been snuffed out. Probably thrown in a metal barrel somewhere on top of other dogs just like themselves, dogs that didn't have a chance from the beginning because they were dealt the wrong color fur, or a boxy head, or muscular legs.
This is why people like me - everyday, normal people that work normal jobs and do normal things - are so incredibly needed. All I provided Mama Kris was a place to sleep, get love and learn how to live in a house. But really, what Mama Kris as well as the other 4 Kardashian pups were provided was a chance to live. Think about that. They would be dead if Carolina Care Bullies had not seen their picture and decided to rescue them. And Carolina Care Bullies wouldn't be a rescue at all without fosters like myself. So please consider fostering today. I'm not any more talented or special than you are - yes, you can do it.
As a foster parent, I made a personal goal to tell three new people a day about my foster dog. I feel that word of mouth is the most powerful tool that a dog has at getting adopted and I want to increase that possibility as much as possible. PetCo, Starbucks, Trader Joe's, Home Depot, anywhere that allows dogs or has high traffic areas that we can walk by and get some people to see us. While sitting at Jason's Deli outside with Kris, I had a woman walk up to Kris and I and 'love at first sight' isn't even accurate. She wanted to take Kris in her car and adopt her right then, forever and ever. After a few days and all the required necessities had been taken care of, it was settled, Kris was being adopted.
Yes, I cried. Yes, it broke my heart in two when she strained and yelped on the end of the leash because she didn't understand why I was leaving her with strange people. But as I drove home with tear-blurred vision, I was so happy. Kris was home. She will be able to feel loved, wanted and taken care of for the rest of her days. So I walked in my now dog-less house feeling renewed; I can handle a few days of sadness in exchange for a lifetime of happy.
This is why people like me - everyday, normal people that work normal jobs and do normal things - are so incredibly needed. All I provided Mama Kris was a place to sleep, get love and learn how to live in a house. But really, what Mama Kris as well as the other 4 Kardashian pups were provided was a chance to live. Think about that. They would be dead if Carolina Care Bullies had not seen their picture and decided to rescue them. And Carolina Care Bullies wouldn't be a rescue at all without fosters like myself. So please consider fostering today. I'm not any more talented or special than you are - yes, you can do it.
As a foster parent, I made a personal goal to tell three new people a day about my foster dog. I feel that word of mouth is the most powerful tool that a dog has at getting adopted and I want to increase that possibility as much as possible. PetCo, Starbucks, Trader Joe's, Home Depot, anywhere that allows dogs or has high traffic areas that we can walk by and get some people to see us. While sitting at Jason's Deli outside with Kris, I had a woman walk up to Kris and I and 'love at first sight' isn't even accurate. She wanted to take Kris in her car and adopt her right then, forever and ever. After a few days and all the required necessities had been taken care of, it was settled, Kris was being adopted.
Yes, I cried. Yes, it broke my heart in two when she strained and yelped on the end of the leash because she didn't understand why I was leaving her with strange people. But as I drove home with tear-blurred vision, I was so happy. Kris was home. She will be able to feel loved, wanted and taken care of for the rest of her days. So I walked in my now dog-less house feeling renewed; I can handle a few days of sadness in exchange for a lifetime of happy.